Ruby on Rails – create websites in this programming language

Web development has become an essential skill in today’s digital age, but choosing the right language and framework can be a daunting task for beginners. Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, stands out as a popular choice for web development. It is a powerful, developer-friendly framework that simplifies complex projects and has been integral to high-profile websites like GitHub, Couchsurfing, and Airbnb.

In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why Ruby on Rails has become such a popular programming language among both beginners and experienced developers alike. Read on to find out how you can leverage this language to create stunning websites!

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web development framework that leverages the Ruby language to create dynamic, database-driven web applications. Created by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2005, Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern that separates data management, user interface, and control logic.

This separation of concerns enables developers to build maintainable code and facilitates collaboration among team members. The philosophy behind Ruby on Rails revolves around two main principles – Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY).

Why choose Ruby on Rails?

Here are some of the key reasons that make Ruby on Rails an excellent choice for web development:

1. Elegant & maintainable code: Ruby is known for its clean syntax and readability, which makes it easier for developers to write maintainable code. When combined with its DRY principle, Ruby on Rails ensures minimal redundancy in code, resulting in faster development cycles.

2. Active community support: One of the primary reasons for Rails’ popularity is its strong community support. This active community contributes to the continuous improvement of Ruby on Rails by developing new gems (libraries), updating documentations, fixing bugs and discussing best practices.

3. Abundance of libraries: With a wide range of gems available for various purposes such as database interaction, authentication, image processing or payment gateways integration, developers can easily extend the functionality of their web applications.

4. Scaffolding & code generation: Built-in scaffolding and code generation tools allow developers to quickly create the basic structure of their application, including boilerplate code for models, controllers and views within minutes.

5. Test-driven development: Ruby on Rails emphasizes test-driven development (TDD), which encourages writing test cases before actual implementation. This approach helps in maintaining high-quality code and ensures reduced chances of facing issues later down the road.

6. Suitable for rapid prototyping & agile projects: Its simple syntax combined with robust libraries makes rapid prototyping a breeze. Additionally, its ability to accommodate quick changes during product development makes it suitable for agile projects.

Getting started with Ruby on Rails

Setting up your development environment is easy with Ruby on Rails since it follows a strict convention that reduces configuration complexities. Start by installing the latest version of Ruby using RVM or rbenv package manager followed by installing Bundler (dependency manager) and Node.js.

Next up is setting up the Rails gem using the command line:

gem install rails

To create a new application, navigate to your preferred workspace directory in your terminal or command prompt and execute:

rails new [application_name]

This command sets up a new Rails application structure complete with default folders for assets, models, views and controllers among other things.

Finally navigate into your newly created application directory:

cd [application_name]

And start the Rails server:

rails server

By default, your application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/

Undoubtedly efficient and elegant, it’s no surprise that many developers turn to Ruby on Rails when tackling web development projects. By employing conventions over configurations and fostering maintainable code through DRY principles, beginners and seasoned professionals alike can benefit from using this powerhouse programming language when crafting their next dynamic website.

Are you ready to join millions of developers around the world by mastering Ruby on Rails? There are countless resources available online – from tutorials to comprehensive online courses – all designed to help you build spectacular web applications from scratch!